Meditation on Forgiveness

Resting awareness deep within the heart, gently allow this prayer to move through your consciousness .

For all of the ways that I have betrayed others,
Through thought, word, or deed,
Knowingly or unknowingly,
I ask forgiveness.
Please forgive me.

For all of the ways that I have betrayed myself,
Through thought, word, or deed,
Knowingly or unknowingly,
I ask forgiveness.
I forgive myself.

For all of the ways that I have been betrayed by others,
Through thought, word, or deed,
Knowingly or unknowingly,
To the extent that I am ready to let this pain go,
I offer my forgiveness.
I forgive you.

Inspired by A Meditation on Forgiveness. “A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life” by Jack Kornfield, page 283,