Mudra Series for Working with Intention

This contemplation is based on a series of mudras I learned at a workshop given by one of my teachers, Loriann.   Like so many of her classes, it inspired me to explore a little more, and now it has become a somewhat regular practice with only tiny alterations  from its original form.

In my experience, our fingers are little antennae tuners for the  radio of subconsious mind.  Mudras, which are specific hand and pody positions, are finely tuned tools for focusing intent.  This contemplation uses intent, in the form of mudras and prayers, to work with intention itself.  It is not a practice to help you realize your personal goals, although it may do that.  Instead, it's about discovering your purpose here as a human being in this world.  It's meant to find answers to the question:  "How can I, as an individual, best serve all of reality?"

We begin by releasing....

Apana Mudra

With both hands, join the middle finger and the ring finger to the thumb.  Extend the pinky finger and the index finger.  Turn the hands so that the palms are facing down.

Prayer:  "May all fear and craving be washed away."

Padma Mudra

Join full length of the thumb on the left hand to the full length of the thumb on the right hand.  Join the full length of the pinky finger on the left hand to the full length of the pinky finger on the right hand. Join the heels of the hands together and bring them to the heart center, opening the fingers outward like a flower.

Prayer:  "May the heart open, and may the ego release its grasping."

Sankalpa Mudra

On the left hand, join the middle finger to the thumb and extend all the other fingers.  On the right hand, lay the thumb tip alongside the inside tip of the ring  finger and extend all the other fingers.

Simply wait with open, silent awareness for an intention to form.  

If an intention doesn't form, go ahead and proceed with rest of the practice as if one did.

Ajna Chakra Mudra

On the left hand, bend the middle, ring and pinky fingers down and cover their nails with the pad of the thumb.  Extend the index finger upward.  Wrap all of the fingers of the right hand around the index finger of the left hand.  Lay the right thumb alongside the nail of the left index finger.  Raise the hands to the level of the third eye.

Prayer:  "May I be given clear vision."

Caution:  Do not hold this mudra for longer than a minute or two.  Just 10 or 15 seconds will do.  Too much focus on the 3rd eye can cause some whopping headaches.

Ganesha Mudra

Place the back of your left hand horizontally across your heart center.  Place the palm of your right hand horizontally across the palm of your left hand.  Curl your fingers to clasp the hands together and actively pull the elbows apart.

Prayer:  "May the obstacles be removed." 

Prana Mudra

For each hand, join the ring finger and the pinky finger to the thumb.  Extend the index finger and the middle finger.  Turn the palms to face upward.

Prayer:  "May I receive energy and strength."

Chin Mudra

For each hand, bend the index finger down and cover the nail with the pad of the thumb.  Extend the other 3 fingers and turn the palms to face upward.

The index figer represents the individual, and the thumb represents the divine.  In this mudra, we are subjugating the will of the individual to the will of the divine.

Prayer: "Thy will be done."

You can find detailed descriptions of Apana mudra, Padma mudra, Ajna Chakra mudra, Ganesha mudra, Prana mudra and Chin mudra in Mudras of India: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance .

Loriann taught me this particular version of Sankalpa mudra.

My True Home

My true home... Inspired by Han Shan (Cold Mountain)

My true home is on Cold Mountain

My true home is on Cold Mountain
perched among cliffs beyond the reach of trouble
images leave no trace when they vanish
I roam the whole universe from here
lights and shadows flash across my mind
not one dharma appears before me
since I found this magic pearl
I can go anywhere everywhere is perfect.

From The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain translated by Red Pine

My true home is deep ocean

My true home is deep ocean.
My substance surrenders
To moon's inexorable pull.
Land succumbs to my touch.
My currents shape the air above
Finding their way to Cold Mountain.
From the boiling cauldrons of my depths
Springs forth new life.